FlightPRO® 8.7 Overview

FlightPRO® 8.7 is the Q1 release for 2021 and includes support for the latest MS Server & SQL, integration with TAMS and upgrades for Personal Tools. Watch the video, or read on to find out more.

An all-new view.

This release, FlightPRO® has received a facelift. You’ll notice changes across the Knowledge Base, Site Administration and Status board, as well as the Programme Viewer, shown above.

This brings the interface in-line with the web version of FlightPRO® and delivers a raft of usability improvements. Let’s take a look at the Program Viewer for starters, the changes here allow you to create much more focus.

You can now customise Strip Styles, so that they reflect the information that’s important to you. Click the strip styles button, select the attributes you’d like to see and click apply.

Create a more focused view by selecting Start Time and Hours in View:

The Date Range selection has also been updated make it consistent with Web.

Home screen with all fields selected:

This is the home screen of FlightPRO® 8.7.

The 4 main fields displayed on the Home Screen are Currencies, Course Events, Knowledge Base and Workflows.

– Currencies are qualifications that the User needs to hold in order to do particular different things. For example, they might need 5 different currencies to be able to fly an F16 aircraft.

– Course Events are any events the User is assigned onto, and these events belong to a course (syllabus). So this might be Basic Flying Course or Night Flying Course.

– Knowledge Base include items that the User needs to read before they can do a particular action. For example, they need to read ‘Flight Safety Procedure’ before flying an aircraft.

– Workflows are items that the User is assigned to. They might be a multitude of things, usually consisting of many steps. On the screen, it shows Workflow steps that the User is assigned to. For example, User needs to complete a certain step of a Workflow in order for the Workflow to continue to the next person.

On the top of the screen, you have dropdown menu options for Admin and Report. This will take you to different sections of FlightPRO®.

Site Administration screen

The Site Administration screen lists all the sites that have been configured for a particular database and can include Home Sites or Deployment Sites:

– A home site may refer to a site of the Home Base. For example, if the Home Base is in Australia, the site might be Amberley.

– A deployment site is a site in which personnel are deployed to for a mission or multiple missions. For example, Doha or Dubai can be deployment sites.

– The screen lists all the sites as well as the parameters of each site.

– Authorised users can edit additional information for a Site without having to access databases in Site Administration.

Deployment Administration screen

– This screen lists all the Deployments that have been created for a database.

– It lists the status, location, Deployment Site and some other parameters for the Deployments.

– In each Deployment, you can have assets and people resources assigned.

Knowledge Base screen

– This screen lists the materials/readings that users need to read before they commence an action, e.g. flying an aircraft.

– The list can be viewed in 4 different ways: Unread items, 20 most recently changed items, Knowledge Base by Personnel and Knowledge Base by entry.

– Clicking on each entry will load the material the User needs to read.

– The knowledge Base now includes access to People View.

Workflows Details screen

– The Workflow Details screen lists the complete Workflow and all its steps.

– The Workflow Overview lists all details including Workflow name, type, status, due date, warning date and notes.

– On the righthand side, you can see the Workflow Header Notes (Workflow Overview Notes) if there are any, links and attachments to the Workflow.

– On each step, you can see the Workflow Step Title, who it’s assigned to, the status, due date, warning date, and notes.

Integration with TAMS™

TAMS™ (Task and Area Management System) provides an intuitive and visual way to plan and schedule airspace and base safety assurance.

From 8.7 TAMS and FlightPRO® integrate seamlessly. To learn more about TAMS visit the website and watch the demo. Linking the two separate systems together minimises the need for double data entry, saving time and effort, as well as increasing the overall safety and effectiveness of the base.

Improved FlightPRO® Upgrade & Install Guide

The Upgrade process instructions for FlightPRO® are simpler, shorter, and easier to follow, reducing the time required to upgrade.

And last, but not least, we’ve also focused on a raft of performance improvements designed to make FlightPRO® fly.

If you’d like to upgrade to 8.7 or have any questions speak to your FlightPRO® account manager.

For more detailed technical notes, exisiting FlightPRO® customers can visit the Ocean Support site.